Donate Now
We work extremely hard to function on a small budget and economize our work as much as possible. However, all these things require money and we need generous partners such as you. Please consider donating today. Thank you!
Who Benefits From Your Donation?
-The children of Roatan can be saved from debilitating oral disease (the leading cause of school absence and suffering)
- The parents of the children will not have to miss work for a child at home with a toothache or abscess
-The local economy will benefit with less absenteeism from work and school
-The student volunteer dentists will have amazing opportunities to sharpen their skills but even more important, having this great service experience will inspire them to perform service and empowerment work for their entire careers
-The overburdened hospital in Roatan will be relieved of the need to care for oral infections--a highly inefficient and expensive place to treat dental disease. Also, with our programs attention to nutrition, chronic disease will decline saving money and suffering for the Honduran population
-The University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine gets a novel learning opportunity for its students
-The State of Colorado achieves recognition and notoriety with an innovative international outreach program for its residents